The Holiday Mail for Heroes campaign begins Monday, Oct. 3, when the Red Cross will announce the post office box for sending holiday cards to service members, military hospital patients and veterans. The Holiday Mail campaign is now in its fifth year and has distributed about 3 million holiday cards.
Anyone can participate in this event by simply signing a card and sending it to the post office box before Dec. 9. All cards will be scanned for biohazard and explosives, in accordance with Department of Defense policy, and then sent to Red Cross chapters for distribution. Cards should be addressed to "any service member."
Please follow these guidelines if you send a card:
1. Do not include personal information, such as address, telephone number or email address.
2. Do not put money or any other gift in the envelope; these cannot be forwarded to service members.
3. Do not include any inserts or glitter in the cards (glitter can cause problems in hospitals).
4. Do not send letters with your cards. A simple greeting and expression of gratitude and encouragement is sufficient.
Cards sent to the HMFH post office box are sent to Red Cross chapters, after security scanning, for distribution at military posts, hospitals, Reserve or National Guard centers, Veterans Administration hospitals or clinics, and veterans' organizations. The cards provide a morale boost for active duty military personnel as well as for veterans and families of service members.
The post office address for Holiday Mail will be heavily publicized during the first week of October, so watch for announcements.
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